4 Factors To Create An Effective Online Dating Profile

4 Factors To Create An Effective Online Dating Profile

Online dating can be a wonderful avenue for women to meet men but to get his interest in reading your profile, consider these 4 factors.

1. About Me

Use the About Me section to tell potential dates what it is about you that makes you truly unique.

Maybe you have unique hobbies that are not the same typical ones that many women list.

Such as sea snorkeling, bird watching, collecting rare antiques, etc.

Such hobbies would definitely spark the interest of a quality man who may also enjoy the same hobbies.

Perhaps you are a registered nurse by day.

However, on the weekends you dedicate your time to being a hospice volunteer.

This is quite impressionable and should definitely be mentioned in your profile.

It takes a very compassionate person to want to be a hospice volunteer.

Which quality man will not be attracted to a woman compassionate about the welfare of others?

In short, dare to be different.

2. Being Positive

Make sure you set a positive tone.

Many women have been hurt or disappointed in their past dating relationships, which can be easily detected in the way, in which they express themselves.

Writing such statements as looking for a real man or no liars need apply gives men the impression that you are carrying a lot of emotional baggage and are bitter and jaded.

Furthermore, do not assume that liars and cheaters are going to move on just because you wrote this in your online dating profile.

To avoid having men bypass your online dating profile; make sure that it reflects a positive tone and attitude.

3. Avoid Using Unrealistic Headlines

Avoid unrealistic headlines like Looking For My Prince Charming or Looking For My Knight In Shining Armor.

While it is understandable that you want to be specific, in terms, of the type of man you are looking for, having such headlines can give men the impression that you have fairy tale expectations and are hard to please.

4. Be Honest About Yourself

Be proud of who you are.

Beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and ages.

Often times, many women will fudge facts in their dating profile when it comes to their age and weight, in hopes that they will attract more men.

Not this case.

Being untruthful about even basics such as your age and weight sets a bad precedent.

It is better to be liked for who you are than who you are not.

If a man cannot accept you for who you are, then he is not the man for you.

With that said, I hope I have enlightened you with these 4 factors you may take into consideration before finding your ideal man.

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